
Elena Voveriene

Artist, Architect and Teacher
Artworks for sale
For details and commission a new work


  • 1961 - born in Minsk, Belarus
  • 1983 - graduated from BPI, architecture speciality
  • 1984 - married and moved to live in Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 1984 -1995 - worked as an architect, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 1995 -2001- lived with the family in China, as ambassador Dainius Voveris’ wife. Studied Chinese painting with prominent Chinese artists
  • 2001 - Since this time Elena has discovered her own unique style, where two types of techniques of painting - the western and the eastern - are united. A western-educated architect and painter, Elena combines her drawing skills with Chinese painting technique which creates a special way of using Chinese mineral watercolor on rice paper. Chinese critics call this kind of totally unique style combination "Dzha hun", which means "a marriage". Elena also applies the concept of Chinese painters who integrate in their piece of art poetry, philosophy, calligraphy and the art of stamps. This brings soul to the painting. This time became an important period in her creative life and her works were acquired by various private collectionists from more than 40 different countries including Japan, USA, Canada, Australia, Holland, Germany, Ukraine and many others.
  • 2002 - became a member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association
  • 2005 - established her own school of Chinese painting in Vilnius " Bambuko sodai" (Bamboo garden) where she to this day teaches many enthusiastic students the skills and techniques of both Chinese painting and her own. More information on www.bambukosodai.lt


  • 1990 - first exhibition of pastel and watercolor paintings / Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2000 - exhibition of Chinese paintings at “The Arc” art gallery / Vilnius, Lithuania 2000 - exhibition of Chinese paintings / Panevezys, Lithuania
  • 2001- international women exhibition at Mei Shu Guan Arts Center / Beijing, China 2001- international art exposition at "World Centre "/ Beijing, China
  • 2002 - solo exhibition at Presidential palace / Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2002 - exhibition at Saint Elena and Saint Simon catholic church / Minsk, Belarus

From this exhibition, with the blessings of Vladislav Zavalniuk, the High priest of the Roman Catholic Church in Minsk, she began to use the brief descriptions that accompanied each act as a small philosophical reflection that opened up the inner sense of each of her works of art. The high priest of this church told Elena to write and necessarily add a message next to each work. He was saying that at the beginning you see one picture. When you add the story behind the painting, it opens up a completely different view of it. Therefore, another literary art emerged that complemented Elena's works and touched the hearts of many people.

This exhibition was also very important for Elena, because at the same time, even on the same day a copy of the shroud of Jesus arrived at this church from Turin, Italy, in which you saw an imprint of the face and body of Christ. It became a great blessing in her creative life...

  • 2006 - joint exhibition with her students at Lithuanian Parliament Gallery / Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2008 - joint exhibition with her students "The thousand blossoms to Lithuania" with her students at Pranciskonu Palace / Vilnius, Lithuania2009 - solo exhibition "Revelation" at Opera House / Cairo, Egypt
  • 2010 - joint exhibition with her students "Four seasons” at Pranciskonu Palace / Vilnius, Lithuania 2011 - joint exhibition with her students "The Way" at "the Arc" art gallery / Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2011 - joint exhibition with French artist Agnes Roy / Chateau de Nanteuil, France
  • 2011 - participated at the international art exhibition "Salon de Ys" / Saint Alban, France
  • 2015 - joint exhibition with her students "In the heaven, as it is on Earth" at Lithuanian television Tower / Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2016 - joint exhibition with her students and Chinese painters called "The Bridge" at the Modern Art Exhibition House / Vilnius, Lithuania

Artist’s collection

Apple Tree
$ 942.00 CAD
Love is Patient
$ 942.00 CAD
Love Never Fails
$ 942.00 CAD
$ 942.00 CAD
Christmas Oak
$ 1,256.00 CAD
$ 785.00 CAD
$ 942.00 CAD
$ 1,884.00 CAD
$ 1,570.00 CAD
The Wonder of Music
$ 1,099.00 CAD
Papaja. Cat Ba Island
$ 1,727.00 CAD
$ 1,099.00 CAD
Underwater Kingdom
$ 942.00 CAD
$ 1,413.00 CAD
Saint Ann Church
$ 1,099.00 CAD
Tea Ceremony
$ 1,884.00 CAD
$ 1,884.00 CAD
Last Dance
$ 1,884.00 CAD